Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Karnala Fort

Karnala Fort Panvel
Type: Hill Fort
Height: 439m (1440 ft)
Difficulty: Easy

Sunday 27th June 2010 mostly people like 2 rest and wakeup late,I decided to go for trek. Trek was organize by YHAI GOREGOAN UNIT AT KARNALA FORT our reporting time was 6.45am at Kurla Harbour platform number 7 . We caught Panvel train. We had break fast and catch tum tum rickshaw to reach at the base of fort. Fort is 8 kms from Panvel ST- bus stand. Karnala fort is surrounded by bird sanctuary. Bird sanctuary is under forest surveillance. We need to declare the number plastic things we carry. Its great step to save environment. We had small introduction session about YHAI GOREGOAN UNIT and Self introduction to the other members. We had count of 33 heads.

We started trek with little cloudy weather and it was same throughout the climb. After reaching top weather change it was heavenly with soothing wind and rain drops. On top we can see 360 view of surrounding beautiful landscapes until naked eyes reach. We rested had share lunch and group photo. Finally we started deciding the fort. If we look over the history the fort had played an important role at time SHIVAJI MAHARAJ ruling over Maharashtra. Every fort has its own history its better to read before going to trek . Jai Hind Jai Maharashtra.

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